
Planning Our School Year Post #1

It's been a while since I last posted. Life got a little crazy with our family, with an illness and unexpected surgery happening with my mom. That has filled a large part of my thoughts lately, and I haven't really felt like writing here. I was able to spend this weekend with my parents for Mother's Day and it was a great time with them! Now, I'm back! We finished our school year last week, so we are enjoying a much needed summer break! We will be taking about two months off. I think I need it as much as the boys do! I'm hoping to accomplish a lot around the house during these two months. So far, I've accomplished watching a lot of shows on Hulu! I'm working on planning our next school year, and making sure we have all the curriculum we will need to get started again in a few months. One of my favorite parts of planning our school year is choosing which books the boys will be using for their required reading time. I think we have some great choices this ...


Every Friday the older boys go to our homeschool co-op, so I get to spend the morning with Kingston. Bryan was off this week for vacation, so he got to hang out with us. We had fun playing at the park! Kingston is a sliding machine. He loves to slide! We have loved having daddy at home all week. We'll miss him when he goes back to work next week! I am looking forward to getting back on a school and workout routine next week! We've had a good break, so I'm ready to get focused and finish out our school year now! 

Our Kindergarten Curriculum Picks!

I love how excited kids are to learn when they are young. They are just soaking everything up and learning so much about the world around them! I love seeing the excitement in my kids' eyes when they learn something new, or they catch on to a concept they have been struggling with. Being here for all of those times is one of my favorite parts of homeschooling! Recently, I purchased kindergarten curriculum for our 4 1/2 year old. Now, let me say first, I'm a big believer in not pushing young kids too early. I think pushing a kid to do something they just aren't physically or emotionally ready for is going to do more harm than good, and it's another reason that we homeschool. I want my kids to learn at their own pace, not at the pace that someone else feels they should be working at because they are a certain age. My older kids were not ready for Kindergarten at 4 1/2. But, my current 4 1/2 year old has begged to do school since he was 3. I mean he BEGS. He loves it. He...

Spring Break!

We have reached that time of year that I think many homeschoolers start to feel a little burnout. I know the boys and I were needing a break. In fact, I may have needed it more than them! I decided this would be a great week to take off. It was before the public schools were out for break, so we were able to do some fun activities without big crowds. On Monday we decided to go see the new Peter Rabbit movie. I'm always a little nervous taking all of them by myself to the movies, mostly because I'm never sure how the 2 year old will do. But, we all enjoyed the movie, and it kept all of them engaged! The boys have been asking a lot if we could go swimming, so on Tuesday we decided to go to the gym here in town and spend some time at the pool. Aside from a few other adults who were taking a class, we had the pool to ourselves. The kids had a great time and they were pretty worn out that afternoon! On Wednesday, we stayed home because I wanted to get some cleaning do...

Welcome to Homeschool 4 Boys!

Hello! It's been quite a while since I've been in the blogging world. I've been having the itch to write again, and I love having a place to keep a record of everything our family is up to! This blog will show our day to day activities, our homeschool life, including curriculum reviews, how I organize and plan our school days, book recommendations, and anything else I come up with! I will also include some of my meal prepping ideas and healthy recipes we try as we work on getting our whole family healthier. We recently bought our first home, and we have a lot of decorating and projects we want to do. As we get to those, I will share that as well! With that said, welcome to our blog and enjoy reading about this crazy life we live with all these boys!