Planning Our School Year Post #1

It's been a while since I last posted. Life got a little crazy with our family, with an illness and unexpected surgery happening with my mom. That has filled a large part of my thoughts lately, and I haven't really felt like writing here. I was able to spend this weekend with my parents for Mother's Day and it was a great time with them!

Now, I'm back! We finished our school year last week, so we are enjoying a much needed summer break! We will be taking about two months off. I think I need it as much as the boys do! I'm hoping to accomplish a lot around the house during these two months. So far, I've accomplished watching a lot of shows on Hulu!

I'm working on planning our next school year, and making sure we have all the curriculum we will need to get started again in a few months. One of my favorite parts of planning our school year is choosing which books the boys will be using for their required reading time. I think we have some great choices this coming school year, and I even want to read some of the books I chose!

I'll start with Liam's reading list. Liam will be in 4th grade, and he is a very strong reader. I think (hope) he will love all of these choices! 

Aside from these books, he is also reading through A Series of Unfortunate Events. He's reading those on his own time just because he wants to. So far, he's on book 5 of 13. He's really enjoying them and will probably finish them all before too long! He's reading through them very quickly.

Cade will be going into 6th grade. I still can't believe I have a 6th grader. How am I old enough for that already?? I digress. 

He has some really great choices of books this year! He's already read one of them, and is currently working on another one. I have a feeling he will finish these before the end of the school year. If that happens, I will order a few more books for him to read. 

He has finished Dragons of the Deep and is currently working on Gentle Ben. After he finishes Gentle Ben, we will watch the movie for a family movie night.

I ordered most of Liam's books from Thrift Books. I'm really pleased with the books I received from them. They were a great price, and shipping is free if you order over $10. I definitely recommend ordering from there! Cade's books came with the curriculum I ordered for him, which I will talk about in another post! 

I will do another post later that shows the books we will be using as read alouds. We have a great list for that, too. I think we will have a great year with all of these books!  


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