Planning Our School Year Post #1
It's been a while since I last posted. Life got a little crazy with our family, with an illness and unexpected surgery happening with my mom. That has filled a large part of my thoughts lately, and I haven't really felt like writing here. I was able to spend this weekend with my parents for Mother's Day and it was a great time with them! Now, I'm back! We finished our school year last week, so we are enjoying a much needed summer break! We will be taking about two months off. I think I need it as much as the boys do! I'm hoping to accomplish a lot around the house during these two months. So far, I've accomplished watching a lot of shows on Hulu! I'm working on planning our next school year, and making sure we have all the curriculum we will need to get started again in a few months. One of my favorite parts of planning our school year is choosing which books the boys will be using for their required reading time. I think we have some great choices this ...